Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Here is a picture of my Dad's Dad. James Henry Woodall. I think I took this picture. My Grandparents (I called them Granny and Jampy) were living in Chico California. They had a duplex there with a HUGE front lawn; at least is seemed that way to an 8 year old. My Grand Father was quite a bit different in build than my dad. He was probably about 5' 8" and as you can see here, very thin. He was always built that way, but as they used to say in the day "wirery". He worked hard well into his seventies. I can remember him working with my dad doing carpentry and cement work up until I was 12 or so which would have made him about 78.

This was taken during the first trip I got to make by my self. I can barely remember the bus ride from my home in Hacienda Heights (I think I actually left from El Monte) to Chico. - Check out MapQuest or Google Maps - I was able to stay with them for about 6 weeks during the summer and had a blast.

There was a creek or small river that ran through Chico and they built a park around it down town. In the park was a gigantic swimming pool that the river ran into and filled. I'm sure it was at least 12 feet deep in the deep end. Any way, my Grandpa would take me to the pool just about every day and put up with me wanting to stay forever. If it wasn't for my Granny pretty much demanding that we come home to eat, I would have lived the whole 6 weeks in the pool. It was the first time I ever went off a diving board into a swimming pool and it scared me because of how deep it was. I was afraid that I might sink to the bottom if I dove off. By the end of the summer I was diving off and going to the bottom on purpose. I can remember the pressure of the watter on my ear drums and kicking like crazy to get back up to the top.

One of the other memories I have about the place was the neighbors that my Grandparents rented to. They had a couple of Boston Bull Terriers that scared the holy crap out of me. When I first got there the dogs were out in front and being the dog lover that I am, I rushed right up for some dogie hugs and head petting. The dogs weren't that interested is some little kid hugging all over them and decided to let me know by nipping at me. I got tangled up in their tethers and couldn't get away until the owners came out to call them off. After that I would just about pee my pants if I went out side and the dogs were out too. Hey, I said I was only 8 years old!

Well, there are lots of other memories I have about the trip. If you want to know more, give me a call and ask.

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